Thursday, July 6, 2023

Seen Any Chalk Art Lately...?

 Over the weekend, my wife and I checked out our local Farmer's Market. We live in a small town so the market is only set up the first Saturday of the summer months. A few days before the market, there was a community activity...

Chalk art. I loved it.

Maybe it's because one of the offerings featured a classic VW beetle.

The picture isn't that great, I admit, but the yellow bug seemed to capture the spirit of the classic car. I always wonder, when I see chalk art displays, what if it rains? Thankfully, we had clear skies from the time the chalk hit the concrete to when we walked around the square.

 In the town next to us where we used to live, they had a huge chalk art celebration every year. We only checked out the artwork a couple of times--not because we planned on it, but because we happened to drive by during the event. We enjoyed seeing the creativity and talent.

As with all art, some is better than others. I always appreciate the pictures that are not quite up to snuff. It shows that someone went out there, got down on the ground, took out their chalk, and created something that didn't before exist. Creating art exposes the artist. Sure, there's praise (especially from family and friends...), but they leave themselves open for ridicule and jokes, too. 

The offerings in our town this past weekend were sparse, but they were fun. When our kids were younger, we bought chalk art, but then we ended up throwing them out after years of neglect.

There's a story (or stories...) behind every piece of art. And even if some kids are just fooling around on the sidewalk in front of their home, the same can be said for chalk art as well.

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