There were lots of deaths this month, lots of deaths. Some rocked the world, others not so much. But each death is personal, intimate, singular. This month Stan Lee and William Goldman passed away, two entertainment giants.
Last Wednesday Jim Hansen, or James Hansen, died. He was my US Congress representative for twenty years. He was our congregational leader before that. And, perhaps most importantly, he was a childhood friend's father.
I doubt the man knew me personally. It's possible he might have known my father. Our town was so much smaller then. In our religion a group of congregations (or wards...) is called a Stake. Stakes have leaders called Stake Presidents. When we first moved to Farmington, our town was not big enough to have a Stake. When we finally got one, Jim Hansen was chosen as the first Stake President.
Then he was elected to congress.
My wife and I had a discussion last week about politics and how being a member of congress would be tough. You're always making promises that you either can't keep or never intended on keeping in the first place. And Mr. Hansen ran and won for ten elections.
As we get older more and more of my friend's parents are leaving us. Most won't be famous screenwriters or comic book creators, but to those that know them most, that doesn't matter. The pain is personal, intimate, singular.
Jim Hansen was one of the leaders of the community in more ways than one. He accomplished a lot in his eighty-six years. Many will miss him, but none more than his closest family. God speed, leader, congressman, father.
* Photo credit from The Spectrum: https://www.thespectrum.com/story/news/2018/11/14/jim-hansen-southwestern-utah-dies/2002800002/
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