Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Season's Over...A Long Hard-Fought Season

Yes, as with all things having a beginning, so must all things end. And so has the BYU Faculty Intramural season. 

And I was there through it all.

Now, if you don't see me in the above picture, it's because I wasn't. There is a Scott Taylor somewhere in the group of players (and, to be honest, I don't know which one is Scott Taylor...). The reason I know anything about these guys--or, to be honest, that BYU had a faculty intramural sports program--is because of the wrong name on an e-mail list.

I started getting the e-mails before the season even began. I think I notified someone the first time I got an e-mail and found I was on the list. I didn't want their Scott Taylor to miss out on important team information, but I kept getting the e-mails, so instead of just deleting them, I read them and sort of became interested in the team's progress.

Of course, the e-mails basically just let people know who would or wouldn't be at the next game. I found out that sometimes people had family emergencies, others had things that came up or scheduled events. I have no idea what the BYU Faculty Intramural forfeit rules are, but from what I can tell, the plucky group of educators never canceled a game. 

The season's over--the team had a winning record, five wins to only two losses. It seemed everyone who participated had a good time. I can only imagine they will again field a team next year. It's unlikely the e-mail error will happen two years in a row. If I'm not included, I'll feel a little sad, a little left out, even though I could never be part of the team (since I'm not a part of BYU faculty...).

Here's to the group of guys who fought the good fight!

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