Monday, September 14, 2020

A Touch Of Normalcy...At The Home Depot

 You've seen them, and even though you may think they're gauche, obnoxious, or tacky, you've seen them. They appear before holidays like Christmas and Halloween.

They're those inflatables people have in their front yards.

I can't think of other holidays, other than Halloween and Christmas that have inflatables, but I'm sure you can find them to celebrate Valentine's Day, Independence Day, maybe even Arbor Day (if that's a thing anymore...). Point is, if someone will buy it, someone will make it.

It's the American way.

The problem is, there's not a lot of things that make you feel like celebrating anymore. It seems like we're constantly being beat up by others and by ourselves. It feels like--to me--there are forces out there trying to make us feel this way, to feel defeated, to feel exhausted, to feel down.

So, when my wife and I entered The Home Depot last week to see if they had any generators because our power had been out for several day and we were trying to save two fridges of food (they didn't have any, by the way--we were hours late...), we looked up and saw something that made us feel like celebrating, made us--temporarily--forget all the crap we're getting shoveled upon our heads day after day.

We saw those big inflatables.

And they were fricking cool!

Like everyone else, we have no idea what Halloween will be like this year. I don't think many thought we'd even have to worry about Halloween when all this hit the fan back in March. But, here we are--six weeks out. Sure, the inflatables are expensive, but for us on that day without power, they represented a touch of normalcy in an incredibly abnormal world.

We didn't buy one (or several...). After all, we'd just have to put it on a moving truck and cart it north with everything else, and even if we did want to rush home and blow it up, we'd have had to string an extension cord from our neighbor's house to do it. might have been worth it, even at that, to feel good about something once again.

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