Sunday, September 27, 2020

Location, Location, Location...Works Every Time


 Earlier in the week we drove around the neighborhood one last time and stopped to talk to many neighbors. There are some wonderful people living in those streets at the base of the Davis County mountains. 

I had seen the pink Jeep a few days before. It looked like a US Mail Jeep, meaning the driver sat on the opposite side--England Style--than cars in America. The color and the big speaker on top gave it away--someone's planning on selling ice cream. When we spoke to Charity, the owner, my suspicions were confirmed.

Saturday morning was total chaos at our house. We had several burley dudes from Red Barn Movers literally running through our house, upstairs, downstairs, main level--it was exhausting just watching them. Then, I heard the music, soft at first, then it grew. I knew instantly what and who it was.

The pink Jeep came musically rolling down our street.

I know it wasn't a park full of tired, soccer-playing kids and their equally tired parents hungry for a delicious diversion, but I decided to treat the the movers anyway. I bought something for each worker, and one for myself.

Location, location, location.

I don't know if Charity came by because we were moving, or if she just looked down the end of 325 East as she drove by and decided to turn in. Either way, I'm glad she did. I'm glad I could do something for the boys who worked so hard for us.

I'm glad someone had a dream to do something different, something fun and took a chance. And I hope she has many more successful weekends selling treats to the masses.

And I hope that music doesn't drive her crazy.

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