Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Since We're Moving...We're Having A Yard Sale!

You know how you do an internet search for something, like "Hot Tubs" and the next thing you know, you get ad after ad on every social media site you visit for hot tubs?

Well, turns out the same thing happens when you put your house on the market. The "Moving?" mail just never ends.

We are moving. Our house is under contract and we've found a house up north, Tremonton, to be more specific. My family and I moved on our street in 1970, fifty years ago. One by one, everyone's left, and now, we're the last Taylors to live on a street that was just a dirt road when we first arrived.

Fifty years, half a century.

First, my father left. Well, he didn't leave, so much as he died, and only four years after we moved there. He never saw the dream house he designed and built be finished. My sister and brother moved next, left for college, then got married. Then, my family moved into the basement where I grew up and we stayed there for six years. Once our house was finished, we moved across the street. 

That was seventeen years ago.

Next, my mother joined my father and passed away in 2007. We alone remained.

Until now.

This Friday and Saturday, we're having a yard sale. It'll start around 8am and go until around 2pm both days. It's going to be sort of a strange yard sale. We've got a lot of bookshelves, and I mean a lot. We don't have many clothes (yard sale killers...), but we have furniture, books, household items, and even a chest full of antique model trains and train tracks. And, we've got a huge entertainment center. You know you want/need that.

If you're in the area, check out the sale. You can get location information from our house listing site by clicking: HERE. Even if you don't need bookshelves, furniture, some clothes, books, household items, and antique trains (I'm not mentioning the entertainment center, because you need that...), and just want to say "hi" and "good-bye," stop on by. We'd love to see you.

Thanks in advance, and have a wonderful evening.

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