Saturday, November 20, 2021

Happened Upon Main Street Mercantile In Tremonton Today...Lovely

"Can we stop at that little shop on the way home?" my wife asked as we drove to the grocery store for supplies. It was technically a question, but I thought it would be fun, so not stopping wasn't really an option. We had the time and it was such a beautiful day to be out and about.

After fetching the necessities at the grocery store, we pulled up to the storefront on Tremonton's Main Street. We looked at the time--they close at 2pm. "It's 2:55pm," I said as we both glanced at the clock in Donk The Subaru's dashboard. "Isn't that clock an hour fast?" my wife asked. She was, of course, correct. I have yet to adjust for Daylight Savings. We only had a few minutes to check to check out the place.

We could have used more time.

Tremonton's Main Street Mercantile is, in a word...


It's the kind of place that doesn't overwhelm the senses, but more of a cozy shop that grows more amazing as you take time to get a good look at the items, see them for what they are, appreciate the craftsmanship that went in to building, creating, and assembling the various things. It's a consignment shop for local and non-local artists. It's like the sign outside says, Just Like Etsy, But In Real Life.

 We wanted to honor the shop's hours of operation, so we didn't stay very long. Both my wife and I left thinking of things we could create to add to their inventory. It was a joy to walk inside the little shop and am glad people out there are willing to take the risk and put themselves out there with their art, all in an effort to make the world a better place. Well done, and thanks to those behind Main Street Mercantile for taking a risk as well.

...and I hope they don't mind I lifted two pictures from their Facebook business page for this post. ;)

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