Monday, November 15, 2021

Just How Much Is It Worth Anyway...?

 I recently came across a basketball card...won it in a raffle, actually. So, I'm not really out any money and there were a couple of things I could choose from when I found out I won. I chose a 1993 Topps 50 Point Club basketball card featuring Michael Jordan.

I have no knowledge of the worth of these cards. I've done some research on other collectable things--Beanie Babies, American coins, and the like. Back in the 1990s I even collected a few basketball cards, mostly because I had a co-worker who owned a store that sold trading cards. I chose the card because I thought it would be fun, and who knows? It might be worth something.

But, exactly how much is it worth?

Apparently, it could be worth ten bucks, or a thousand.

No one seems to know.

First thing I did was come home and do an internet search. I typed in: "Topps 50 point club card" and "Michael Jordan." The results were all over the board. The first one that came up was a similar card for sale for $9.95. It was on Ebay. I've never purchased anything from Ebay so I'm not sure what that means, exactly, especially when a few spots down from that Ebay listing a similar card for $249.00. Further down, another card was for sale for $1000.00. So, who really knows, anyway?

I suppose the old adage is true--something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. So, my question isn't how much is it worth anyway? But, would anyone out there willing to give me a cool grand for my card? If so, I'd live to do a deal. ;)

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