Like many, my wife and I watched the series finale of This Is Us. The unique way the show presents a story, either like it or you don't. My wife and I were in the former group. I appreciated how it was presented and how the creators respected the audience. They knew if people give it a chance, it would pay off.
We did, and it did.
Any show lasting several seasons will have strengths and a few weaknesses. I can be nit-picky over a couple of things--the biggest being one main character leaving their spouse earlier this season and not ending up together as the stories ended. I felt that was the show's biggest mistake...
Then came the final two episodes.
They missed an opportunity...a big one.

I usually don't include spoilers on this blog, but to make my point, I need to, so if you haven't seen the show and don't want to know what happens on those last two episodes (especially, the second-to-last episode...), I won't mind if you stop reading now.
For those who remain, here's where I feel the creators missed an incredible chance. If you know the show, you know the Pearson family matriarch passes away. It's been foreshadowed since last season. In the second-to-last episode titled, The Train, Rebecca hovers between this world and the world to come. The journey of her transition takes place on a classic luxury train. On the train are people in her life who have died. They greet her, interact, and we along with her remember those memories we experienced as the series progressed. I loved the way it was presented, both visually and emotionally.
We see person after person who went before, who meant so much to this woman...
But, there's one person missing, one person who, in my opinion, should have been on that train.
At the beginning of the series, we're introduced to three siblings, twins and an adopted African-American baby who was abandoned on the day he was born--the same day the twins were born. But, the twins should have been triplets. One of the Pearson three, Kyle, died in childbirth.
Kyle should have been on that train.
What a wonderful reunion it would have been.
I can see why they didn't do it, especially in our hyper-political world. I wonder if they even considered it. I'd like to think they did.
The ending was sweet, sad, impactful, and very well done.
Still...whether the creators included him or not, Kyle was on that train. Wish we could have met him,