Friday, May 13, 2022

Who Says You Can't Find Good Help These Days...?

 See these two? They are two-thirds of an incredible crew, a crew that went above and beyond, a crew I would hire again in a second...

Of course, they won't work again in this neighborhood...their choice.

I've blogged numerous times about how many rocks lie just below (and deep below...) the surface of our property. I'd laugh more if it weren't so depressing at times. You want to plant a tree? You'd better pray there's no big rocks were you want that tree to go because if you do, you'll need to find a new place for that tree.

So, what do you do if you want to put in a fence?

You hire big guys with big machines like diggers and jackhammers.

Last winter Cory was the first to answer my queries about putting in a fence. I took that as a good sign. He said ours would be the first project of the season. I told them on more than one occasion, it was rocky where we lived. They took the gig anyway.

It took them twelve hours to put in the thirty-odd posts. To put that in perspective, they worked another gig, put in a third more fence posts, and they did it in half the time. Cory told me ours was the hardest job he'd ever done. He also told me that as he did the job that took half the time, he realized how easy that job was and by doing the season's toughest job first, it would make the others feel easy by comparison.

When Cory added everything up, he could have charged us double for the labor, but he didn't. We're glad he didn't because we hadn't budget for much extra. That would have sunk us. I wish I could have tipped them the extra labor--I'd have done it gladly. 

Cory's business is C & C Fencing. They advertise on Facebook in the spring, then take down the ads after they schedule work to last the year. Because of all the construction going on, they're swamped. They might not even be able to take on new work, but if you're lucky enough to hire them, I say go for it. They're good workers. As far as not coming back to our neighborhood for a job, they'd turn it down. In fact, they told me that if any of my neighbors asked who put in our fence, I was to not tell them. 

Yes, good help can be found nowadays. And we have a fence to prove it.

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