Tuesday, May 10, 2022

"Funny Thing About Love"...A Review

 I can't remember when exactly I heard about this movie. Because of the incredible time in which we live, almost everyone can make a movie. I suppose as long as there have been home video cameras that's been true, but now, you can make a fairly good film using your smartphone.

I also try and take notice of local films--films with local ties--and whenever I can I try support those productions by watching them. Funny Thing About Love came out last December. The cast includes several Utah actors, or actors associated with Utah and its culture. Last night my wife and I sat down and watched it.

Is it good?

That can be a loaded question.

It's a romcom. It's clean. It's cotton candy entertainment, meaning it's "safe." When the film begins, we meet Samantha, her boyfriend, her business, and the planned trip to visit Samantha's family over Thanksgiving. Little do they know that Sam's ex-boyfriend will be staying with the family as well.

The movie has all the right ingredients, including veterans Jon Heder and Berry Crobin (of Northern Exposure and WarGames fame...). Throw in Pat Finn from The Middle and you have people who can forward a story. These, however, are side characters, leaving lesser-known actors for the main roles.

I believe those behind the film accomplished their goals. They made a good film that has heart. Is it the best romcom out there? No, but it doesn't have to be. A successful romcom must include choices--should Sam keep the business or sell? Should she change her entire life or stick with the status quo? And most importantly, will those who are supposed to end up together end up together?

This film checks off all the boxes.

If you watch it, go into knowing these things. I think if it didn't have local ties, we may have not kept watching, but the more we watched, the more we liked it. When it was over we were glad we'd seen it, which mean the film succeeded with us, too.

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