Sunday, May 15, 2022

Give Thanks...Amazing Attitude

 I don't know him, nor do the thousands who responded to this simple message, a message to the world letting us all know that his fight to kill the disease that's killing the host will stop and he will allow nature to take over.

It's sad. It's tragic. It's impressing. It's inspirational.

If only we could all be so brave.

I've lost both parents to cancer, one almost fifty years ago, the other almost fifteen, different cancers, the same result. Cancer is the great equalizer. It comes for all regardless of age, race, political affiliation, or any other aspect of life that seems so important at times. It takes the good, the bad, and everyone in between. It's vicious, brutal, and most of all, unfair.

The girl in the photo will live most of her life without this man in it. I can sympathize with her...I know, somewhat, the things she'll face, she'll experience, she'll miss, and she'll cherish. In a fair world, no one deserves the intense pain so many will go through in the coming, days, weeks, and months.

But, life is not fair, is it?

All those born will one day die. Some will know approximately when it will take place. Others, will not. I've wondered which is better, the knowing or not knowing. 

I applaud this man for his honesty, his bravery, his attitude. I'm grateful for those who are so strong that they remain positive when literally everything is being taken from them. I'll never meet the man, but his simple words have affected me, and I'm grateful to him for those words.

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