Tuesday, May 3, 2022


 We've spent a lot of time outside this spring. That's interesting (for me...) because most springs I usually spend inside. Last year and this year we've had several projects that need doing and those projects are outside.

Funny the things a person can see when outside.

Sure, when you're inside, you can watch a million hours of videos of nature and natural things. You can also do interent searches and pull up pictures, articles, and videos of nature and natural things. Yesterday, I spotted a single bird. Unfortunately, it was far away. That didn't stop me from taking out my phone and snapping a picture.

A few minutes later several birds flew overhead. Once again, they were too far away to identify (for me...). If I were a bird expert or knew the species better, I might have been able to say, "Hey--a bunch of _____!" Or, if I had binoculars I might have determined those in the flock and the one that few solo.

As the days get longer, many people spend more time outside. My history is just the opposite. When it get warm and then hot outside, I retreat to the comforts of an air-conditioned environment. But, just as the past two springs I've spent more time outside than usual...maybe the summers will change, too.

If so, I might see more birds...

In person.

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