Saturday, May 7, 2022

Tis The Season...For Graduations

 My daughter participated in her graduation yesterday.

When she woke up hours earlier, she had no idea she'd be involved.

Such is life sometimes.

It was sort of a fluke for her to participate. She knew when graduation was being held, but due to confusion with her and the school, she just thought she missed the opportunity. As chance would have it, she was at the school with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's family. They had a son graduation from the same collage as my daughter.

That's when they had an idea...why not borrow her boyfriend's brother's cap and gown and walk with her fellow graduates? It tuns out, that's exactly what she did. My daughter worked her tail off for that degree, the last year driving over 200 miles round trip 3x a week to attend classes. I didn't have to do anything like that when I went to school.

I'm glad my daughter got to participate in her graduation. She didn't know until she got down there that she'd be doing it, so my wife and I were not able to be there. She texted us before she walked to make sure it was okay with us. Of course, we said it was--we just wanted pictures and/or videos of the event. They will be forthcoming.

Years ago, my son participated in his graduation and I missed that one too, not because of a school mix-up, but due to an infection that sidelined me and I couldn't go. That's two graduations I've missed. 

God willing, I'll be able to attend next time.

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