Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Follow Up...This Seems To Be Working

 A few days ago I posted a blog about bugs, more specifically, pesky gnats. We have been inundated with them, so much so, my wife and I would constantly try to kill them by clapping. We were, for the most part, unsuccessful. I wrote about the problem and several offered suggestions on how to win the tiny war.

While we were at the hardware store, I ventured over to the "How to Kill Small Bugs" section of the store and I spotted something I thought might work...sticky tape. It wasn't the things you hang down to catch flies (flies aren't due for several months...). No, this is tape you can hang and it will trap the buggers. 

I thought I'd give it a try.

Turns out, it's quite effective.

The proof is on the tape.

All those little specks on the photo are gnat corpses. And this is not the only tape we hung in our windows. Each of the three strips we set out contain dozens and dozens of expired bugs. Though I'm not a fan of death, I have to say seeing the evidence pleases me.

There are other things we still need to try (pennies, for example...), but as my wife and I sit in our main room tonight, there's a lot less applause...

And that's a good thing.

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