Monday, February 27, 2023

Gliding You Hand Over A Finished Puzzle...Why Is It So Satisfying?

 We finished the last of a four-puzzle set yesterday. They were good puzzles...challenging, deceptive. We saved the one we thought would be the easiest for last. It turned out to be the most difficult. Through trial and error, we persevered and got it done.


Why is gliding your hand over a finished puzzle so satisfying?

Maybe it's the tactile feeling fingers finding the ridges between the individual pieces, the bumps and dips created by the interlocking puzzle. Then again, maybe it's because after spending all that time of trying to manipulate the pieces until they find their home, there's a sense of accomplishment that comes through when you slide your hands over the finished product.

I don't know what it is, but it's real.

We're not the biggest puzzlers in the world, but when we finish one, we join others who are. I wonder if others like gliding their hands over a finished puzzle, too...

I'm guessing, they do.

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