Saturday, February 18, 2023

Did Something I Never Do...Wrote Down A Dream

 I'm guessing you've heard the old adage before...if you want to remember your dreams, have a pad of paper (or a digital equivalent...) on your nightstand and jot down whatever it is you want to remember, be it a dream or a million-dollar idea, or basically anything you don't want to forget.

With me and dreams, they are usually so vivid that when I wake up, I'm almost always sure I'll remember them. Of course, this is when I've just woken up from slumber so my judgement is definitely impaired. When I want to go back and remember the dream or thought, for either my own enjoyment or to relate my dream(s) to others, inevitably, I've forgotten it which surprises me because I was sure those dreams were unforgettable.

This morning, at exactly 5:51am, I rolled over and grabbed my phone. After activating the Note App, I jotted down the basics of my latest dream. Basically, it went like this:

My boss from work and I had to do site visits. We traveled south (for me, north for him...), to Farmington. Davis County was so overrun with homes in my dream, as it is in real life, so much so that people were putting homes everywhere, even a mansion built of wood in the shape of a huge sailing vessel suspended under a bridge. The house was so magnificent that I had to stop and see if I could see what was inside. Climbing along the side of the suspended boat/house, I looked inside the kitchen then the pet room. 

About this time, my boss somehow disappeared and I was by myself.

Soon after, I got an invitation to attend a social event at another friend's house. This particular friend is someone I know from both my writing community and LDS mission community. He and I did not serve together (I'm probably a decade older than him, give or take...), but we both went to Denmark. His wife is a professional editor and owns a company that works with many of my writer friends.

The event was a party at his home, a huge sprawling estate on the hill overlooking the city. I thought it odd that he could afford such an amazing home on a high school principle's salary, but such things happens in dreams--it doesn't have to make sense.

I was in the home, enjoying the view of the evening valley when I heard singing. I noticed a group of men had entered from a different part of the home and were entertaining the guests. I immediately spotted one of my best friends in the men's chorus. It made me excited to hear and see my friend, but I was also bummed because I was not allowed to sing with him. In a non-dream life, my friend has begun practicing with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. I've never really wanted to sing in that choir, but I'd love a chance to again sing with my friends.

That dream was so real, I could touch it. I smelled the dog food in the hanging home's pet room. I felt the heat of the fireplace at my other friend's event. Still, even after jotting down an outline of what happened, I couldn't remember when I tried recalling the dream a few hours ago, before I read my note.

Yes, they say if you want to remember a dream or other things that enter your brain at night, you should have a pad of paper (or a digital equivalent...) on a nightstand beside the bed.

Last night, I did.

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