Saturday, September 16, 2023

Evan After Twelve Years...I Haven't Figured Out Blogs

 I'm confused. This is not new--many things confuse me, but when you do something for twelve years, something you do every single day and have done so every single day for more than a decade, you'd think I would have figured things out.


Case in point, this blogging thing. Yes, I've blogged daily since January, 2011. When I first started blogging, I used to check my stats. It was fun seeing how many clicks I got, how many views. I even tracked where the people lived who checked out my blog.

Time goes on and the excitement began to fade. That happens when fewer and fewer people check out the blog. I've explained before that I'm okay with declined clicks. One of the biggest reasons for writing daily is exactly write daily. I made the decision that I would keep a daily blog regardless of who reads it. It sounds strange in this world, but, well...there you have it.

For the past several years, I'm averaging between ten and twenty views for each post. If I write about someone's passing, or a major life event, those number go up. When I write a post, like this one for example, they go down. Fine with me. Yesterday, because of my second gig, I don't return home until close to midnight. I could write the post at my second gig, but I've decided to write my post before the second gig begins, then I can just share the link on social media. The system works well. I'm doing that right now with this post. It's before noon and I'll be done.

Yesterday I wrote my post just after lunch. When it came time to post to social media, I had six views. That doesn't sound like a lot--mostly, because it's not a lot, but those six clicks came from people I didn't reach out to. I have no idea how they found the site. I don't think I have any subscribers--maybe I do. It's confusing. You'd think after 4620 posts, I'd have figured things out.

Apparently not.

If I cared, I would dig into this, find out how someone came across my post without me sending out the link. Then again, it doesn't really matter. It's not worth the effort. I hope, whomever they are, enjoyed what they saw. That is, after all, part of the reason I do this.

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