Friday, September 29, 2023

I Was Shocked...SHOCKED, I Say, At Sam's Club

 My wife and I traveled the next county over to run some errands. We found ourselves at Sam's Club right around lunchtime. We weren't sure when we'd be traveling home, so we decided to grab a bite to eat.

I came away, shocked.

Shocked, I say!

For those who already know, what shocked me is nothing new--you already know. You know that the food they serve at the front of the store, namely, pizzas, pretzels, pizza pretzels, ice cream, drinks, is some of the cheapest food around. 

The increase in food has come around slowly, so much so, you don't notice it like you would if you fell asleep and woke up two years later to find everything--EVERYTHING--costs so much more. Food, gasoline, clothes, cars and car parts, it's all out of control. I'm old enough to remember when I could feed dinner to my family of six people (granted, the kids were young...) for between $10 and $15. In the fifteen years since, it now costs between $40 and $50. Just for my wife and I to eat used to cost us about $3 per person. Now it's $5 to $6.

Yes, I know I'm coming off as "Old Man Screams at Clouds," but it's true. We just accept the risen costs and move on. Today at Sam's Club, I stood in line, ordered two pieces (big pieces, mind you...) of pizza, a soft pretzel, and a large drink (large drink, mind you...). The worker told me the amount and I laughed...laughed out loud.


I understand Sam's Club is a membership establishment. We pay for the opportunity to step inside, even if we buy something or not. Because of that, we subsidize the cost of everything, even their deli food. Still, on a quiet Friday afternoon, I was hit with news for food reminiscent of days gone by, of a time when you can get lunch for two for less than $3 per person.

Shocking, I know...

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