Sunday, January 6, 2013

9 a.m. Time For A Change...

The turning from one year to another means several things to several people (New Years resolutions, new gym memberships, etc...) but there is something that affects pretty much all of my neighbors simultaneously. The new year means a change in the beginning time for our congregation at church. We now start at 9 a.m. This morning the parishioners came to the chapel a little tired, but ready for the services.

On the surface, the change of or start time from 1 p.m. to 9 a.m. shouldn't seem like such a big deal. We don't shop on Sundays (or, if we do, it's because the "ox is in the mire"). Any work needed doing around the house should have been done before Sunday arrives. When I was in school I never did any homework, nor do I do any writing that's intended for profit on Sundays. So Sundays should be completely open, unscheduled, free.


Things don't always work out that way. On Sundays additional meetings are scheduled, choir practices set, other assignments given. Yes, getting four kids ages 8 to 17 up and ready (not to mention ourselves...) and to church by 9 a.m. is tough sometimes, but oh, how nice the long Sundays afternoons are, complete with the home smelling of the forthcoming dinner, the opportunity to watch a movie or two, or to take the occasional nap. Those, I especially like...

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