Monday, April 2, 2018

I Should Have Worn A Heavier Coat...

When I take public transportation to work, I try and see what kind of weather I'm going to face for that day. In Utah, the weather is pretty stable, contrary to those who think Utah's weather changes every fifteen minutes. It really doesn't. In the winter it's generally cold and in the summer it's almost always hot. Of course, spring and fall can throw a few curve balls.

That's why I check the Weather App on my phone before I leave the house. This morning the app showed cloudy and temperatures in the 50s. I chose a light jacket. Because another thing you don't want to heft around on a bus or train is a heavy coat when it's not needed.

Turns out, it got a little colder than the 50s it promised this morning. In fact, when I left my work this afternoon to catch a train, it was downright cold and raining. I should have worn a heavier coat.

Life--not just a commute--is different when you don't have a car in the parking lot. My car has protection from the elements, other supplies, and even a heavier coat. Had I driven this morning, I probably wouldn't have even checked my phone before I left the house.

Many people I know won't take public transportation--it's not for everyone. Luckily, it's a practical option for me. I've used it less and less the past couple of months, but I hope to use it more. It saves money as well as wear and tear on my car. It's just by doing so, there's things you've got to give up, like security from a spring storm.

Of course, if you just wear a heavier coat, taking the train's not that bad.

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