Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Night At Rehearsal...

I'd have to say, we're in the "Horse Latitudes" of our community theater play rehearsal schedule. I know that's a strange way of looking at things, considering the horse latitudes are subtropical latitudes between 30-35 degrees both north and south of the globe (thanks Wikipedia... Wikipedia also provides information about how the latitudes got their name. The definition I had heard was that at those latitudes the sailing winds slowed down and on long voyages the crew would have to eat the horses while in those latitudes. Wikipedia disagrees... If you're interested in learning more, the Wikipedia site is: Here). To me, it just seems like the calm before the rehearsal storm where there's still enough time between now and opening night where we're not so worried about being perfect. There's a lot of casualness around...

Tonight we had another rehearsal and it was semi-important because we finished the entire play for the first time, not the entire show of both acts in one night (we finished tonight what we began Saturday morning), but we felt good about it anyway...

This show has been different than other plays in which I've been involved. I have enjoyed my time. I wish my daughter had more of an active part in the production, but such is life in community theater.

In between scenes, a couple of brave souls decided to do some distance jumping over the small creek currently running in front of the stage. With a point-and-click camera, I'm never sure if I'm going to get a good shot. I think it turned out great...

Next rehearsal, Thursday night...we'll see what happens.

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