Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Very Important Meeting...

I attended a meeting today and the room was full of important people. The decisions made by these people will effect almost every single person in the state where I live.

We have these meetings about every six weeks or so. Of course, we have daily meetings with smaller groups, and weekly (mostly...) meetings with more people. We all have a huge assignment that must be finished this year. 

No one in the room is a household name, nor will they likely be after our tasks are done. We used today's meeting to discuss our strengths and weaknesses, the progress we've made and the goals we need to reach for our next meeting.

I signed up for this temporary assignment because I wanted a challenge, because I wanted a change, and because I wanted to get to know and work with others who felt the same way. So far, I've gotten what I was looking for out of the deal. Now, we've got to finish the job. Wish us luck!

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