Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Year Without A Kovel...

 For most people, this week--for those who live around here--has been highlighted by the continued winter weather that doesn't seem to want to end. But, for a select group of writers, this past week was the annual Retreat to the House on the Hill...

And, I missed it.


I'm not bummed because of the reason I did not attend for a second consecutive year. My reason was as good a reason as a person can have, but this week as I occasionally checked social media, I'd see pictures of the event from friends and it hurt.

The hurt is for a few things. It hurt because I wasn't there, of course, but it also hurt because I'm not writing like I used to, not releasing a title or two a pace has been a title every five years, and that is if I get something ready to print this year.

I have no one to blame for this lack of production but myself. That's both the luxury and curse of being a writer. I actually began editing a story this month, a story I finished years ago and started many years before that. 

The retreat is something special. Each year, after the week-long event, those participating get together and bestow the coveted "Edward M Kovel Award." I've been awarded them almost every year and it comes with some awesome swag. Last year, I only obtained a trophy because I had a work meeting that took place a few miles from the house on the hill. I stopped in and the committee took pity on me and allowed me to take the swag home, even though I didn't really "earn" it.

Tonight, those who attended are either traveling home or have already arrived. It's an amazing feeling returning after a week of writing, collaborating, eating incredible food, and playing board games at night. I know after I got home from these events I felt invigorated, recharged, and most of all, thankful for the hosts. They are the best people.

I'd like to say I can't wait until next year, but I don't know if things will change next year. There's hope they will, but as with all things in life, there are no guarantees. Here's to this year's winners, always a well-deserved group. They've earned their Kovels, and the writing community is a much better place for all their hard work.

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