Saturday, March 11, 2023

Plans For Tonight...Not Watching Real Salt Lake

 Normally, I'd be watching or streaming the Real Salt Lake Soccer game. It started just a few minutes ago. They're playing Austin FC right now as I type. 

I'm missing it.

By choice.

Since change is the only constant, change has come to Major League Soccer, or MLS for short, and MLS has gone through a programming change. It's now no longer free.

MLS is one of the few major sports leagues I still watch. Sure, soccer's not the most exciting of sports, and MLS is not one of the world's premier leagues, but they're local and I like to support them. And by "support" I mean, watch. This year, it's going to cost me...cost everyone. Apple has purchased the broadcast rights to every MLS match, including our local team.

If I were a numbers guy, I'd do the math. For only $80, I can watch every match including playoff games. That's hundred of games, meaning it would cost me literally pennies per game. I most likely would never watch all the games, but I suppose that's not the point. And that's a good price for all that sports entertainment. 

I passed on buying the entire season. We're a couple of weeks in so each week I turn down the offer, the more each game will cost, which will discourage me from pulling the trigger even more. Plus, the money can be used for something else, something we need (like food...), and all that time I'd spend watching the games could be utilized in a more productive fashion. 

I hope the change for MLS is a good one. I hope they make a lot of money and millions sign up. Who knows? I might miss it so much this season that I'll break down and pay for next year's games.

Until then, I guess I'll watch some XFL.

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