Monday, July 12, 2021

Apples, Apples...And More Apples

 If you're familiar with Northern Utah, you've most definitely driven past the Famous Fruit Way. If you're going north on I-15, you exit just after Smith and Edwards and drive toward Willard, Utah. If you're driving south on I-15, you exit at Brigham City, drive into down, and turn south.

Believe me...if you're looking for fresh fruit and vegetables, it's a hard road to pass up.

Last week as we headed home from down south, we veered off I-15 and drove up the famous motorway. We stopped at several places, but in one cooler in one fruit stand, I snapped a picture...a picture of apples. But, what impressed me enough to take the picture was the different varieties. You normally don't see that anymore.

They had Gaja, Red Delicious, Sugar Bee, Fuji, Envy, Cripps Pink, Honeycrisp, Golden Delicious, and Breaburn. Utah is not known for its apples and I don't know for sure if all of those different kinds of apples were local, but the point was, they were there. I don't normally shop for apples at the grocery store. I'm most certainly wrong, but I think there may be a half a dozen different varieties in the store.

I remember listening to a podcast years ago--I can't remember which one--and they discussed this very thing. They said because of how our food distribution systems evolved, there are hundreds of different apple varieties that we never see. I thought about that when I walked into that room.

This was just one section of one fruit stand on a ten-mile stretch of road. There's a lot more to explore...maybe other apple types as well.

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