Monday, July 5, 2021

Hanging Out In Logan...At The Cache Valley Cruising Association

In Northern Utah last weekend, a car show was held. And I attended. The place was packed with amazing cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even a dump truck. There was also 1934 Bentley race car.

So many beautiful cars.

I brought my Nikon thinking I would snap dozens of pictures, but in reality, I took only a handful. It was almost too hot to do anything else but walk around and see what was there. I went with my mother-in-law and I loved hearing her tell stories of her history with cars. She pointed out cars her father owned, cars her husband owned, cars she and her friends went for drives back when she was in high school.

Wonderful memories.

For me, many of the cars generated no memories, but there were some cars I connect with, especially the the Volkswagens. Too bad there were only three that I saw, two convertible bugs and a convertible Rabbit...or cabriolet, as they say in France and L.A.

The race car was magnificent. Apparently, there are only two in existence. It's own by a talk show host and news personality. He was not in attendance, but I did pet his dog.

Going to an event like this for the first time, you learn things. If I return (and I hope I do...), I'll perhaps go on a less busy day. I may pack chilled water, and maybe other family members will be able to attend. One this is for certain, going to a car show you see and meet people what absolutely 100% love those vehicle. Their passion is on display and infectious. It's so nice to see that level of dedication nowadays.

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