Tuesday, July 13, 2021

When It Hits Home...

 I should say at the onset that 2020 did not affect me or my family to the degree that it did others. We escaped 2020 almost unscathed. It is something we are eternally grateful for. I--thankfully--was able to keep my job, a job where I was already working from home. We were able to shop and get everything we needed...we never wanted.

I personally know those who were not so lucky. They lost jobs, and more devastatingly, lost loved ones, parents, children, siblings. For many 2020 was a living hell...and 2021 is more of the same.

But, when things don't impact a person directly, that person forgets the tragedies experienced by others. I know that's what's happened to me, at times.

A few weeks ago my wife and I did some shopping at our local Walmart. I noticed the Subway Restaurant located inside the store was closed. They posted their new hours...they were scaling back. I thought it was most likely due to staffing issues, or maybe even changing in eating patterns from the public. Then, the next time we entered the store, a new sign was posted on the door and the restaurant was gutted.



Now, I have no idea why this particular business closed, but I would guess that had not the pandemic hit last year, there's a good chance the business would have seen Year 17 and beyond. Seeing that sign sort of punched me in the gut in a way. It was personal. 

I hope the owners and workers have found new opportunities. I hope also those others adversely affected by the events of the last year can find some comfort.

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