Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ah...Small Town Living

 I came across a post on social media a few weeks ago...something that caught my eye since I now live in a small town. It seemed the perfect title for that small town living.

"Does anyone know someone with a 3 legged dog? It was just found - I have details for the owner."


I can just imagine someone sitting on their porch, or just inside and they see through the window a dog, but this is no ordinary of it's limbs is missing.

"Isn't that unusual," I can imagine they might say to themselves, or perhaps to another within earshot. "That's something you don't see everyday--a three-legged dog." So, they turn to social media to see if they can find the owner. Because the owner of a three-legged dog might be anxious to find said dog if said dog were missing.

Alsok, social media works exceptionally well for reuniting an owner of a missing three-legged dog and the three-legged dog itself.

I did not find out if the reunion took place, but I'd imagine it did. I mean, how could it not? 

For those of you following this blog, you know my family has relocated to Northern Utah, to a town of a few thousand. It's also known that we moved from a town that once was small, but is not bursting at the seams where thousands upon thousands now live. If you're thinking that this three-legged dog was spotted in the small town in which we now live...

You'd be wrong.

The dog was lost and found in the sprawling growing city where we once lived. Which, for me, made the story even more interesting.

Ah...small town living.

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