Sunday, August 8, 2021

Give Thanks...Sunrises

 Last November, our church leaders admonished us to post positive messages on social media and use the hashtag #GiveThanks when we did. I believe the original goal was to do this for one week. I gave it a try and enjoyed the experience, so much so, I decided to dedicate one blog post per week to something for which I am thankful. And I chose Sundays as the day to #GiveThanks.

I've tried to keep up this tradition for the past several months. There was a week or two I forgot and just posted a regular blog post--no big deal, but I've tried to make it a point to thanks is important. I find it grounds me. Plus, I get to think about life in a more positive manner.

Looking back on the past couple of weeks of photos I've taken, one stood out--a picture of a sunrise I snapped as I started my work day. It's not the best sunrise picture. I'm pretty sure I've taken more spectacular sunrise photos, but I still like it.

I'm grateful for beautiful sunrises. I don't catch them all, and if my office weren't on the eastern side of my house, I'd miss them (I'm not a "get up before dawn and exercise" kind of a person...). Having that eastern-facing window gets problematic as the sun rises higher--I have to close the blinds--but it's worth it.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up, fire up the computer and start my work day and work week. I might be fortunate enough to catch a beautiful sunrise, or not. But I do know, if I wait long enough, another one will light the morning sky with fire, and I'll give thanks once again.

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