Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Checking Out The Fireworks...

 One interesting thing about social media is that you can see what is happening to people all over the globe, and the more people you follow or friends you have that live close to you, a quick search through social media sites can give you a different perspective on the very thing you're looking at from your front porch.

Case in point, this past weekend's storms.

This summer in our neck of the woods has been a dry one. Lawns are yellowing and people are shaming each other so we can save water. We do live in a desert, after all. So, when huge storms come knocking, people take notice. To be honest, the skies were so amazing...just looking up was like experiencing the world's biggest canvas and on that canvas were amazing clouds. I saw so many pictures of clouds and rain from my friends on social media--it was great.

Then, it got dark and the real fireworks began. Some of my friends snapped pictures of actual lightning bolts and they looked so cool (the pictures, not necessarily the friends...). My wife and I ventured out on the front porch to experience the weather. We love doing this whenever possible. I tried getting photos of lightning bolts, but unfortunately I was unsuccessful. I did catch the entire valley lighting up. On my video I did a screen shot of the valley as it was dark, then the next second, then entire valley was bathed in a ghostly white light.

So amazing.

We're still new to the area and getting used to the weather here. Even though the storms haven't been many, we're enjoying the ones we've seen...at least, so far.

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