Sunday, August 28, 2022

Give Thanks...To Know Them Is A Gift

 A social media friend posted recently that his daughter passed away. I can think of nothing more cruel than to outlive your children. It's something I would not wish on my worst enemies and it's something that haunts me when I consider the future.

His daughter had severe medical conditions which led to her passing. 

My work involves working with a sector of the population that many don't see...not because they're not there, but because people choose not to see them. They're the handicapped, the disabled, those who are not like us. Of course, that final phrase, "not like us," is as offensive as anything that can be said. I've not had someone with these conditions close to me in my life so I can't say I understand what life for the families and friends is like. I do speak with the parents and friends of those who do.

Humanity often looks at itself in terms of eliminating imperfections, as if we can remove the unpleasantness of life simply by wishing it gone. Does that include those who have physical and mental issues? Some would think so. But, speaking to those parents, they know things, have lived through things those of us without their knowledge and experience will never know. The people they care for are not just special, but exceptionally so.

I'm thankful for their example. When I get off the phone after a short conversation with a parent or sibling or friend, I have an admiration for them I can hardly understand. I'm thankful for their strength, their patience, the love they show for others. I can imagine no greater love.

I don't know if I'll get a chance to speak to my friend about his daughter. I know that many can't imagine living the life he and his family have gone through. I'll bet, if I asked him, he would say it was worth it, because he knew her and loved her.

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