Saturday, August 27, 2022

National Dog Day...2022

 I'm one day late. If you spent any time on social media yesterday, you may have seen posts with the #NationalDogDay tag. I usually don't pay attention to National Days because there's so many of them. Pick something and there's a national day for it.

But, I decided to add my post to the others.

Dogs are just that important.

We've got a good one. I'm sure millions of others can say the same thing. Our dog is a standard poodle and a rescue. We got him four years ago and our family's not been the same a good way. He's actually my son's dog, a companion animal for him, and for us, I suppose. Our first family dog was a shih tzu, much different than a poodle. Each have their strengths and weaknesses.

After having a small dog, we couldn't imagine having a large dog. A poodle is by no means the largest of dogs, but it's big for us. He's big enough to steal food from the counter and socks from our closet. He loves our yard now that we've installed a fence and he's loyal beyond my understanding.

Just as I cant't imagine our family without our dog, I can't imagine this world without dogs. They are our protectors, our companions, our confidants, our therapists, and our friends. They will seek the approval and love of people who abuse them. They seem to live only to serve. I'm speaking in generalities, of course, but it feels that way.

Humans have, at least in our society, set aside one day to honor dogs. I believe they deserve much more than a day.

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