Saturday, January 21, 2023

Must Have That Creative Outlet...For Some, Painting Miniatures

 My son signed up for a kickstarter project a few years back. Not having much experience in kickstarter projects, neither he nor I knew when he would be getting the things promised in a kickstarter enticement. Turns out for this one, it took years.

For my son, it was worth the wait.

In fact, the box of game pieces that double as paintable miniatures is one of several boxes that will be--hopefully--forthcoming. 

Watching the smile cross my son's face as he showed us his new-found treasure make me think about having a creative outlet. My son takes after me in a lot of ways, not just the way he looked as a child. For years my son has pursued the arts. He's a gifted artist, computer video editor, and now he's painting miniatures. It's almost as if he has to do something creative. 

Back in high school I got my first real camera and I thought about becoming a professional photographer. That seems to be the start of me having/needing a creative outlet. For years, the urge to create sort of faded, but returned later when I started to write. It's been a decade since my first short story was published...can't believe it's been that long.

Currently, I take pictures and I write in this blog. I've let the other outlets slide a bit and that's something I need to rectify. There's pros and cons to creativity, and it comes at a cost. Sometimes the cost can be high. Though I'm glad my son (and his other siblings...) have that creative streak, I hope the can navigate the ups and downs of it all.

I don't know if I'll be painting miniatures. You know how it is getting older, your hands are less steady and your eyesight fades. My son, however, he's got his whole life ahead of him. I just pray it won't take years for the next delivery to arrive.

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