Monday, January 2, 2023

Shoveling Snow...Nature's Way Of Burning All Those Holiday Calories

 Relatively speaking, we dodged a snow bullet. That isn't to say we didn't some snow from this last wave of storms. We did, but not as much as others. And to add to the fun, our family is contracted out to shovel eighteen homes in our neighborhood when the snow reaches a certain level. 

In the last seven days, we were called out twice.

I'm beginning to not mind shoveling show. As long as it's not feet deep, I can clear a driveway and sidewalk relatively quickly. I must be doing something right because (so far...), I've not suffered any major back injuries or anything else. Yes, I'm sore after a few hours of shoveling, but I usually feel better the next day. Of course, the older I get (now in my upper 50s...) that may not be the case in the future.

As I returned home from a shoveling adventure the other day, I thought about the physical workout I've been doing with shovels and snowblowers. I know many of us disregard their diets at the holidays and enjoy all the delicious food that seems to be everywhere. 

I thought maybe shoveling is nature's way to burn some of those quickly-amassed holiday calories.

Doing some rough math, I've got to shovel a whole lot more driveways and sidewalks to break even--we had a lot of goodies this year and I partook.

I suppose there's a bright side to all this snow, other than it's desperately needed in our drought-affected areas, and that is burning all those calories. Good to look on the bright side every once in a while.

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