Friday, May 31, 2013

Story Submission Time...

Late last night, or early this morning, I submitted a short story to Xchyler Publishing's latest anthology, Extreme Makeover, Paranormal Anthology. I had pretty good success with the last submission I tried.

It's a strange thing, submitting something you've written, or created for judgement. When I was writing it, I went through a spectrum of emotions. I thought the writing was exceptional at times, and then--just like that--I thought it was not good at all.

I have no idea if my story will be chosen. Hopefully the publisher has many many stories to choose from; it makes the novel stronger. When I hit "Send" last night, or early this morning, I felt good about it. I felt good because with some help from a friend, I put together a coherent, well-paced little tale. 

We'll know in a few days whether or not I made the cut. Now the waiting begins...

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