Thursday, July 25, 2019

Through-The-Door-Water...One Of Humanity's Greatest Things

When your dad builds your house in the early 1970s and he passes away before the project is finished, the home you grew up in is not like other homes. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but just different.

Case in point, the through-the-door water dispenser on refrigerators.

It's one thing we never had growing up.

It's also one thing I know my dad would have had in our house had he the opportunity to actually live there.

My dad was a gadget man. Not only did he build our home, he built furniture, worked with leather--he built a saddle--he built home speaker cabinets, and even put together our Heathkit TV. He would have loved the idea of water and ice accessible through the door of a fridge.

I can't remember the first time I ever saw a fridge with that feature, but I can remember I've always wanted it. It's funny how you always want things you never had before.

Fast-forward thirty years and I found myself building our own house. I, in no way, could match the building abilities my father possessed, but we did as much as we could. One thing we did install was the water line to the fridge so we could have that wonderful option of water and ice through the door.

Today, after putting in ten hours at work, I hurried to leave for the theater. I grabbed my Meals-On-Wheels mug, filled it with ice, and topped it off with water. When I think about it, it's a sign of what an amazing time we live in. I know it's a small thing...but it's a thing.

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