Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Trying Something New...Writing While Commuting, While Someone Else Drives

It's been a busy week. We open Peter Pan next week. I'm working a forty-hour week, FanX responsibilities are ramping up, and then there's just the normal things that need to get done, every one of them steals a little bit of our time.

But, while driving to rehearsal last night I realized something. 

I could write while my daughter drove us to the theater.

That's actually a very cool thing.

My daughter is getting close to reaching the required number of hours needed to where she gets her license. There's no one in the family that looks forward to it more than her. I'm sure she's sick of having mom and dad drive her to wherever she wants/needs to go. It'll mean freedom, the type of freedom that teenagers used to yearn for, used to dream about. I don't know if it means the same thing nowadays, but I'm seeing a lot of the way I looked forward to having that small plastic card in my daughter.

And she's close.

She's getting so good, I was able to get some work done while she maneuvered the sporty American car (made by Toyota...) through stop-and-go traffic and at highway speeds. Sure, I instinctively pushed my right foot into the floorboard now and again (she sees me do it every time...), but for the most part, I didn't have to worry about her driving. I realized this as I was able to concentrate on the writing, and not her driving.

My wife and I have a dream, that one day we'll back up a nice RV and hit the road, she'll drive and I'll write. I think I experienced a taste of that yesterday.

And it tasted good.

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