Monday, December 21, 2020

After Months...The Home Office Is Finally Up And Running

When we were looking for a new home, we needed a few things. We wanted a room for each child and because there were three left at home, that didn't seem that big of a requirement. And we needed a home office. I had been telecommuting almost two years when covid hit and I made the decision long ago that if I can help it, I don't want to work away from home again.

The home office was what we needed.

The home we chose did not have the rooms, but it had room to grow. No problem--I can work in the garage. I knew this because I worked in an unfinished basement for over two years. And so I worked in the garage. And things went well until it got cold. 

Too cold.

Since the basement was not yet finished, I moved into the master bedroom. This had its advantages--warmth, for one. And, I could literally roll out of bed and log on. And so I worked in the master bedroom.

Last week the basement was finished. The boys moved downstairs, my daughter moved out of the smallest bedroom in the house into the larger room next door, and I hauled in the big desk from the garage and set everything up. This morning, I rolled out of bed and went into another room and worked my shift.

I know it's not the biggest journey, garage to bedroom to office, but it represents a months--even years--of transition, a lot of changes. It's not a room built specifically for an office with double doors and built-in shelving, but I don't care. It's a place dedicated to providing for the family. Many have helped us reach this point and I'm grateful for that help. Tomorrow, it's off to work I'll go...only now, to the right room.

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