Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Cardboard Mountain...The Sequel

 When you have annual to burn and no where to go, really, what is there to do? If you've got a basement and garage full of boxes and those boxes are full of stuff, the time off can be used to de-box, de-clutter, and de-disorganize.

So that's what we've been doing.

There's a mountain of cardboard boxes in our garage that stands as a testament to how much we've done so far.

Oh, why do we have all this stuff? I've got many many boxes to still to go through that have the words, "Scott's Office" on them. How did I manage to fill so many boxes full of office supplies? I think the fact that I previously worked in a basement storage room and there was no shortage of space for me to accumulate office items.

We still have a long way to go until everything is in its rightful place. We may, of course, need to buy new places for all those things. Interesting thing about buying new places, they usually come in cardboard boxes, so when we buy new shelves and other things for all our stuff still stored in our boxes, we'll be generating more cardboard to add to our already large cardboard mountains.

 Vicious circle.

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