Tuesday, December 15, 2020

When You Have Two Cats...You Might as Well Have Ten

 At our old house, we had six people living with three pets. And because the animals all had different personalities, we had perfected a system that kept them all separated. It required shifts and a series of gates that must be opened and closed at specific times (think The Others, but different...). 

And it worked.

But then, we moved.

And the whole thing had to be re-established.

Add to the fact that we're in the process of finishing the basement and things get even more complicated. Hopefully, when everything's done, we'll set up a new system to accommodate the three pets--I'm sure we'll perfect that system, too.

But now, it's kind of crazy.

When the dog goes to bed, the cats come out and play. We believe the dog would love to play with the cats, but the cats think the dog would like to eat them, so they haven't had a chance to place nice together. Since they're all set in their ways, they most like never will play together. That's okay--we've lived with gates and separation for years. We can keep going. What's been interesting is seeing the cats get together.

Not what we expected.

The cats don't fight. Sure, they hiss a little and paw at each other, but if they truly hated each other, it would be a different story. It's been fun to watch them walk around together when the dog is gone. Keeping things under control when a single cat's around is one thing. When there's two...that increases the  problems exponentially. We might as well have ten of them running around.

We love our pets--can't imagine life without them. Sure, they're a pain at times. I guess that's what makes us love them so much...all that work.

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