Thursday, December 31, 2020

If You Hated 2020...You'll Probably Hate 2021

 When my mother-in-law was investigating a new place to live, she asked a realtor familiar with a particular area what the neighborhood was like. She asked, "What are the people like that live there--are they nice?"

The realtor asked a very interesting question.

"Well," she said. "How are the neighbors where you live?

My mother-in-law responded, "I love my neighbors where I live."

The realtor then said, "Then you'll most likely love the neighbors here."

There's a lot of wisdom in what the realtor said.

As the final embers of 2020 cool and will soon die, many are posting thoughts and opinions about the year that was. The consensus is it sucked. And, my most accounts, it did. There were a lot of negatives about the year, quarantines, shut-downs, elections, events/trips canceled, covid, sickness, and death. People can't wait until the clock strikes midnight and a new year (per the calendar...) begins. Most who have expressed dissatisfaction with 2020 hope 2021 is better.

2021 may in fact turn out to be better--for many that would not be difficult, but I think back on the realtor. If you think last year was bad, next year will probably be the same. Even without the sickness, death, and elections, many would have had a tough 2020. Life is tough sometimes.

Of course, I may just be full of it and don't know what I'm talking about. Then again, I may be right after all. I hope I'm wrong--I hope things get better for everyone. The trick will be how we react to whatever comes down the pike. And as with most things, time will tell.

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