Saturday, December 26, 2020

Goodnight, Kevin...A Unique Soul

 After the kids opened up their presents and we settled down to enjoy the rest of Christmas Day, I grabbed my phone and checked social media. There are things you expect to see on major holidays, especially Christmas--friends posting pictures of their families and friends, and almost everyone wishing each other warm regards for the holiday.

You don't expect to see news that a writer friend has died.

But that's what happened yesterday. Tragic.

I should start by saying I knew Kevin more by reputation. When you're part of a writing community, you sort of know everyone, some better than others. If you meet someone for the first time at a writing convention or comic con, there's a chance you'll get to know them better at the next show, the next gathering. In my opinion, the writing community where I live is one of the most welcoming groups of people I've ever met. Maybe because we share the highs and lows, the wins and losses, the pains and joys of telling stories. Kevin and his wife were at most of the local conventions I attended. Just looking at him you knew he had a fascinating mind.

This was confirmed several times by chatting and getting to know him. When I found he was building a house miles from anywhere, it made suited him. He's one of those people who you could learn new things from him every time you spoke, no matter how many times that ended up to be.

There's a risk involved with getting to know people, especially fascinating ones. When they're gone, you wish you could find a comfortable couch in the lobby of a hotel or a chair in a green room and just talk, communicate over deep philosophical issues or discuss the pros and cons of cowboy boots. As a family of writers, we--like everyone--have missed seeing each other, sharing laughs and swapping stories. Maybe that's why news like this hurts so much...because we know how separation feels, only this time, it's for good.

God speed, Kevin. I'm sure wherever you are, you're sharing a fascinating story, and those hearing it are learning new things.

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