Friday, December 11, 2020

Missing Friends...

 When you work from home, you get to see what happens around the house, every day. Personally, I love it. I've heard that some don't and I can respect that--not everyone's the same. Earlier this week, my wife took my son to the dentist. Since we've moved, we haven't changed dentists so the trip took several hours.

Everyone in the house seemed to take the missing house members pretty well...

Everyone, except the dog.

He did not have a good time.

About two and a half years ago we rescued a poodle and that dog has been wonderful. In fact, we can't imagine life without him in our family. Poodles are high-energy animals. In some ways, there's more we could do for him. Hopefully, next spring we'll put in a fenced yard so he can run around more. But, in other ways, that dog is spoiled.

He's almost never alone.

I understand that modern living means there are times when pets are left alone during part of the day. Growing up, my little dog Tasha was alone when my mom worked and us kids were at school. Lots of pets spend some time alone--it's not optimum, but that's life. With homeschooling and now me working from home, our dog always has people around.

When my wife and son left for the dentists, our dog saw two of his biggest friends leave and after a few minutes, they didn't come back. That's when the howling began. He didn't howl constantly, but every once in a while, he remembered they were not in the house and he'd begin howling again.

It's sweet, but also a little sad to hear. I recorded a few seconds of him expressing himself. I had to keep the door closed in case anyone called. I tried including the clip on this post, but since google changed to format, I can't seem to post any videos now. Too bad. When my wife and son returned, the dog literally jumped for joy. He's not been alone since. No, there's not a lot of time our dog's alone. And we like it that way.

So does he.

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