Thursday, September 16, 2021

Bunny, Bunny...


I decided to go walking Monday night...mostly to get some exercise, but also because there was a new episode of The No Sleep Podcast and I've found that it makes for a good walking/listening activity.

Even though I lived on the side of a mountain almost my entire life, I haven't seen all the wildlife that calls the hills home. It wasn't until a few years ago (maybe last year...) I saw my first rattlesnake. I knew they were there, and many of my neighbors--neighbors who hiked the trails--had seen them, but not me. I knew there were rabbits where we used to live, too. Our cat even brought home part of what was once a rabbit and left it in our yard.

It wasn't until last Monday I saw my first wild bunny.

I think we surprised each other. I rounded a corner of the trail and I saw him silhouetted from the setting sun. At first, I thought it might be a plastic rabbit, a decoy of some sort because it didn't move...I'm sure he knew I was there but thought if he didn't move, I wouldn't see him. That obviously didn't work.

I snapped a couple of pictures and as I moved forward on the path, he took off...very quickly. Had I been prepared I could have caught him on video.

I'm pretty sure I didn't see a rabbit on the mountain. It took us moving to a hill for me to spot a bunny.

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