Sunday, September 26, 2021

Give Thanks...Being Able To Work

 From my work window, I look out to a field. One day it will be a road linking more houses on our hill to civilization. But, for not, it's just a field. It's also a place where the neighborhood developers have building materials stored for future use.

Including top soil.

For the past several months I've watched dump truck load after dump truck load leave the field bound for hopefully greener pastures. Last week I was able to order some of that dirt be delivered to our house. We're nowhere near being done with our yard.

It arrived Friday. We basically had two days to get that dirt moved, or two mornings since I worked in the afternoons and evenings. Friday, I overdid it--worked and worked to get as much of it moved as possible. I paid for it--I was tired at work, but it needed to get done.

We finished up the job on Saturday--I took things much slower and that helped. Work, though a longer shift, was much easier.

I am thankful that I was able to work in my yard. I'm thankful for helpful neighbors. I'm thankful I could physically do the work and that we have a yard in the first place. Slowly, we're getting there. It's going to take many more days to get it done...and, as anyone with yards knows, it's never really "done." But, for one big mound of dirt on our driveway, that part of the done.

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