Monday, September 6, 2021

Finally Getting This Parking Thing Down...Maybe

 In our family, we call them "pull through situations." I't not a big deal, but for us, it sort of is. Basically, a pull through situation is where--when you are parking your vehicle in a parking lot--you have two open spaces, the one you turn into and the one directly in front of it. 

A pull through situation.

Plus, no backing up.

That right there is worth the price of admission.

I think it's something my wife brought into the family. I mean, I'm sure I did this before, but I don't remember naming it, or being excited when we came upon it. There is one thing that in order to pull off a successful pull through situation, you must execute well. If not, well...then you're on the J.V. team.

Making sure your car is all the way in the parking spot.

It's silly, I know. And I'll bet you're thinking, "I can pull through and leave my car entirely in the parking spot with no problem." Maybe you can, but for me, it's sometimes a struggle. Last Saturday, however, I made it--not by much, but I made it. Successful pull through situation. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come...we shall see.

We ran an errand this morning and I did not execute the pull through situation, but the car ahead of me did. The parking lot was almost empty so I thought it would be unlikely that someone would park ahead of me.

Turns out, I was right.

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