Thursday, June 9, 2022

Interesting Fact About St Peter's Basilica...At Least, To Me

 The year was 1992, around this exact time of year, thirty years ago. I and around forty other students from  the University of Utah traveled to Italy as part of an a'cappella choir tour. I saw many cool things on that trip...

One of the coolest things I saw was St Peter's Basilica.

So many amazing things inside.

I took several pictures, but I did not have time to find them, so I accessed a website about visiting what was at one time the world's biggest church. You can access the site where I got the above picture by clicking: HERE.

It's hard to express--even in pictures--the enormity of the building, but I'll give it a try. It you look at the lettering in gold placed high on the walls, those letters are each six-feet tall. Imagine a six-foot tall man standing by one of those letters and they are the same length. I remember hearing that factoid from our tour guide and it blew me away.

Last night I blogged about, well...blogging. Since we moved and since we don't do a lot of things away from the house, I've been blogging so much about the house and yard work and other boring stuff. So, I thought I'd write about something I found interesting that maybe you--good reader--might find interesting, too. 

Oh, and a side-interesting factoid. The tour guide told me something else that blew my mind--in that entire building, there is not one drop of paint. Everything inside is mosaic...tiles.

Oh, and our choir got to sing a Catholic mass in the Basilica, too.

Like I said...amazing.

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