Thursday, June 30, 2022

Newest "Stranger Things" Season...And Its Delicious Details

There's a well-known phrase that's been around for a long time, "The Devil's in the Details." I think that's an apt saying to describe the latest season on Netflix's Stranger Things

The details...they're fantastic.

Of course, for the viewers in my geographical area, the details surrounding Salt Lake City and our predominant religion have been wonderful. Unlike other major media series shown recently that highlight the ideosyncrasies of the religion, it feels like the creators at least tried to get the people right. I'd say they did a pretty good far. I haven't finished the series--I've got two episodes to go. 

I've enjoyed this--and the previous three--seasons for the same reasons. The creators seem to have an understanding what the show means to its fans. They nailed the D&D culture of that time. They nailed those of us who played D&D during that time. The music, all the little things. 

Watching Episode 7, something caught my eye...the closed captioning of a scene. If you're familiar with the show, you know what a Demogorgon is, and if you know what it is, you can imagine (if you haven't seen the show, yet...) the scene is not for the faint of heart. It was grizzly, violent, flat-out gross. And the closed caption conveyed that gore in three little words.

Before I watched the series, I read a lot of critiques. Season 4, for many, was dark...very dark. They were right. It is. And as long as they keep nailing the small things, there's more than the devil in those details.


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