Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Time To Learn A Children's Song...From Denmark


Sometimes, I can't remember the names of my children. No, that's not technically correct--I remember their names, I just--at times--use the wrong name when calling them. As I get older, my memory is starting to fade. I suppose it's only natural.

And yet, there's a song I learned in 1985 that I haven't's a children's song from Denmark. I thought you might like to learn it, too.

It's called, Der Bor en Bager, or, There Lives A Baker, in English.

Back when 1985 started, I was living in Provo, Utah, with thousands of other young people (and some older couples...) preparing to spend the next two years away from home telling people about the Gospel. My assignment--Denmark, and a group of us were trying very hard to learn the language of the Danes.

Our days were made up of (if I remember correctly...), gospel studying, language studying, eating, exercising, and taking in the experience. In one of our language classes, we were taught this little song, and for some strange reason, I still remember it. A quick internet search and I found the song, both in Danish and English (you can access the site: HERE...). Here is the song, in Danish:


Der bor en bager
på Nørregade,
han bager kringler
og julekage;
han bager store,
han bager små,
han bager nogle
med sukker på.

Og i hans vindu’
er sukkersager
og heste, grise
og peberkager.
Og har du penge,
så kan du få,
men har du ingen,
så kan du gå!

And again, in English:


There is a baker
on Nørregade,
he bakes pretzels
and Christmas cake;
he bakes big,
he bakes small,
he bakes some
with sugar on.

And in his window '
are candies
and horses, pigs
and gingerbread.
And if you have money,
then you can get,
but if you have none,
then you can go!

On the website, there's also a little Wurlitzer audio clip so you too can sing along with this classic Danish children's song. Check it out--it's catchy!

Memories are valuable so I don't know how long I'll remember this song or other things. I hope I can say that I'll remember the song--both verses--in another forty years.

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